The weather has been really fickle lately. It's either really hot or it rains like crazy. Nothing to do with the outfit posted here btw, just being random. I love everything about her whole outfit. The slouchy knit cardi (LOVE!*) + the basic tee + the long skirt (which I somehow find myself going back to being obsess with lately) + the oversized round shades + the red lipstick. *I guess it's a good thing we don't have the winter season here or else I can so totally imagine buying all the fabulous coats, capes and winter jackets I keep seeing in stores the past few weeks. I DID however, end up purchasing a cape (just one) awhile back coz it was on sale and I justified the purchase by telling myself I'll have something to wear when I go to cold countries OR I can simply wear it here when it's cold OR just wear it nonetheless. Haha.
So anyway, I know I disappeared for awhile again. Sorry about that if you do read the blog regulary. Thanks for sticking around. I really appreciate my readers and comments so keep em coming! Was somehow occupied with things to do/complete. I must stop making empty promises to update regularly. Maybe I'll try doing scheduled posts so at least there will be some posts at least every week? Ok, no promises. I'll try=)